- Sym. encryption
- One Time Pad
- Shannon: Perfect secrecy
- History - Badly broken algorithms
- Stream cipher - OTP in real life
- Probability basics
- Pseudo random gen - predictable
- Negligible / Non-negligible
Sym. encryption definition
- Sender and receiver use the same secret key for encryption and decryption,
- or the same encryption scheme,
- includes DES, AES, TLS, etc
also, 2 time pad is not secure
One Time Pad
- think this as a one time key (different key for every message)
has perfect secrecy, since
len(K) = len(M)
Shannon: if
|K| >= |M|
, we say this encryption has perfect secrecy -
not practical, which is why we have
PRG (Pseudo Random Generator)
Must be unpredictable
predictable if
ie. with an efficient algorithm A,
How secure is secure?
Semantically secure
a sym. encryption is semantically secure if,
adv[A, E] is negligible
to be continued
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